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Forgot AC Maintenance in Fall? It’s Not Too Late!


We stress the importance of HVAC maintenance to all of our customers. It’s one of the best jobs you can have done to protect your comfort and your investment in your valuable heating and cooling equipment. We advise customers to arrange for their AC maintenance in Elkhorn, IL during the spring so their unit will be prepared to tackle the rigors of one of the local summers.

Summer is over now, so you might think that if you forgot to schedule professional AC maintenance in the fall, you might as well go ahead and skip it for this year. You’ll get it done when spring comes around.

Hold on! It isn’t too late for maintenance. Maintenance doesn’t have an expiration date—it needs to be done once a year, and if you miss the spring window, you still have the chance to get the job done. It’s not a job you want to skip, believe us! Actually, you don’t have to just take our word for it: below are four reasons it’s critical to keep up with annual air conditioning maintenance.

ONE: Improved Energy Efficiency

One of the biggest benefits of regular AC maintenance is improved energy efficiency. Over time, dust, dirt, and general wear and tear can cause your system to work harder than it needs to. This results in higher energy bills and more strain on your air conditioner. With a professional tune-up, your AC will run more smoothly, keeping your energy costs down and ensuring your home stays cool without overworking the system.

TWO: Extended Equipment Lifespan

Your air conditioning system is an investment, and you want it to last as long as possible. Annual maintenance helps to prevent premature wear and breakdowns, ensuring that your AC can reach or even exceed its expected lifespan. Skipping maintenance might seem harmless, but it increases the risk of costly repairs or even the need for a full system replacement much sooner than necessary.

THREE: Less Risk of Breakdowns

There’s nothing worse than your AC breaking down in the middle of a scorching summer day. Regular maintenance gives HVAC professionals the chance to catch small issues before they turn into major problems. By keeping up with annual tune-ups, you reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns when you need your system the most.

FOUR: Maintenance Helps Keep Your Warranty Valid

Did you know that many air conditioning manufacturers require proof of regular maintenance to keep the warranty valid? Skipping annual maintenance can void your warranty, leaving you responsible for any repairs or replacements that would have otherwise been covered. Having your AC maintained every year helps protect your warranty and ensures that you’re covered in case of any manufacturer defects.

Join Our Home Wellness Club for Peace of Mind

At Edelman, we make it easy to stay on top of your HVAC maintenance with our Home Wellness Club. When you join, you’ll receive regular AC and heating tune-ups to ensure your systems are always in top condition. Plus, club members enjoy special benefits. By staying proactive with your HVAC care, you not only protect your investment but also enjoy peace of mind knowing your comfort is in expert hands.

Don’t wait until next spring—schedule your AC maintenance now and keep your system running smoothly all year long. We are also offering a $49 tune-up and staggered price tune-up, so take advantage of this great deal and give us a call!

Edelman Delivers AC maintenance! Contact our team today. 

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