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Common Heating Start-Up Issues: Look Out for these Common Furnace Issues


It’s getting close to the day when you’ll turn on your home’s gas furnace for the first time of the season. You might feel a bit nervous about it: nobody wants to discover on the first cold day of the end of the year that something’s wrong with their furnace! 

There are several common furnace issues you may encounter that will cause start-up trouble. Don’t be alarmed if you encounter one of them: you can always call our team to arrange for speedy furnace repairs—we offer 24/7 emergency service because we know just how important home heating is for our customers. 

Below, we’ll look at several common startup issues you might encounter with your furnace. This will give you a better idea of what needs to be done to correct it.

I. Thermostat Issues

One of the first places to check if your furnace doesn’t turn on is the thermostat. Sometimes, it may be miscalibrated or set incorrectly, which can prevent the furnace from starting. Ensure the thermostat is set to “heat” mode and the temperature is set higher than the current room temperature. 

II. Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter can cause all sorts of problems with your furnace. Over time, the filter collects dust, dirt, and debris, which can restrict airflow to the furnace. This can cause the system to overheat and shut down to prevent damage. If you notice that your furnace is cycling on and off too quickly, or it doesn’t seem to be producing enough heat, the air filter might be the culprit. Checking and changing the air filter before the heating season begins can prevent this issue.

III. Ignition Problems

Modern furnaces use electronic igniters rather than standing pilot lights. However, both types of systems can experience ignition problems. If the igniter is dirty or faulty, the furnace won’t be able to light, which means no heat. If your furnace fails to turn on or you hear it trying to ignite but with no success, it’s likely an issue with the ignition system. This is a job for professionals to safely inspect and repair.

IV. Blower Motor Malfunctions

The blower motor is responsible for distributing warm air through your home. If the blower motor isn’t working, you’ll notice that the furnace is producing heat, but there’s no air coming out of the vents. This issue can be caused by electrical problems, overheating, or wear and tear on the motor itself. A technician can inspect the motor and determine whether it needs to be repaired or replaced.

V. Faulty Limit Switch

The limit switch monitors the temperature inside the furnace and prevents it from overheating. If this switch malfunctions, it could either prevent the furnace from turning on or cause it to shut down prematurely. A faulty limit switch is a safety hazard and requires immediate attention from a professional technician.

VI. Gas Line or Gas Valve Problems

Since your furnace relies on gas to heat your home, any issues with the gas line or valve can prevent it from starting. If the gas valve is blocked or the line is leaking, the furnace won’t receive the fuel it needs to ignite. If you suspect a gas line issue, it’s important to shut off the system and contact a professional immediately for safety reasons.

Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace?

While many of these issues can be resolved with timely repairs and regular maintenance, it’s also possible that frequent problems are a sign of an aging furnace. If your furnace is more than 15–20 years old and requires frequent repairs, it might be more cost-effective to replace it with a newer, energy-efficient model. Don’t wait until your furnace breaks down completely on the coldest day of the year—reach out to our team today to discuss whether an HVAC replacement in Champaign, IL is the best option for your home.

Edelman Delivers heating repair! Contact our team today.

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