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Treat Your AC: Refresh Your System After a Long Summer


We have a question for you about your air conditioning system, and please be honest, because a lot depends on this: Did you remember to schedule air conditioning maintenance before the summer started?

Don’t feel rotten if your answer was “no.” Many people forget about maintenance. However, it’s extremely important to have AC maintenance in Champaign, IL done each year, and spring is the best time to do it.

Notice we didn’t say spring is the only time to do it. The most important part is that it gets done during the year. So right now, after your AC has gone through a hard summer season, you can schedule its regular maintenance appointment with our expert team. Think of it as “treating” your AC to a “refresh” rather than getting to the job late. (But please, next year schedule it before summer arrives. That’s an even bigger treat for your AC!)

Why AC Maintenance Is So Important

Why Maintenance Is So Important

Maintenance is the most important service you can have for done your air conditioning system. Here are the biggest reasons why:

Increased Efficiency

Over time, your air conditioner naturally accumulates dust, debris, and wear on essential components. These factors reduce the system’s efficiency, making it work harder to cool your home and raising energy bills. Regular maintenance includes cleaning, adjusting, and inspecting parts to ensure your AC operates at peak efficiency, saving you money in the long run.

Preventing Unexpected Breakdowns

A sudden AC breakdown in the middle of a hot summer day is something everyone wants to avoid. Routine maintenance helps catch potential issues early on before they escalate into costly repairs or an entire system breakdown. Our technicians will spot worn-out parts, leaks, or low refrigerant levels that could lead to bigger problems later if left unaddressed.

Extending the System’s Lifespan

Just like a car, your air conditioning system requires regular checkups to stay in optimal condition. Neglecting maintenance can lead to a shorter system lifespan, requiring you to invest in a replacement sooner than expected. Treat your AC to regular care, and you can expect it to serve your home reliably for many more years.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

A dirty, neglected air conditioner can contribute to poor indoor air quality by circulating dust, allergens, and even mold through your home. During maintenance, our technicians clean the internal components, ensuring that the air being pushed into your home is clean and healthy. If air quality is a concern, we can also recommend upgrades like air purifiers or filters to further improve it.

Protecting Your Warranty

Many AC manufacturers require proof of annual maintenance to keep the warranty valid. If your system is still under warranty, skipping maintenance may lead to denial of coverage if something goes wrong. Scheduling this service not only protects your investment in the short term but also provides peace of mind for the future.

Arrange Your AC Refresh Today

The best way to get the AC maintenance you need is to sign up for our Home Wellness Club. You’ll receive the routine AC and heating check-ups necessary for optimal performance and energy efficiency, plus many special membership benefits. Contact us today for more information.

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