Edelman Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Electric & Solar Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnaces’

Common Heating Start-Up Issues: Look Out for these Common Furnace Issues

Monday, September 16th, 2024

It’s getting close to the day when you’ll turn on your home’s gas furnace for the first time of the season. You might feel a bit nervous about it: nobody wants to discover on the first cold day of the end of the year that something’s wrong with their furnace! 

There are several common furnace issues you may encounter that will cause start-up trouble. Don’t be alarmed if you encounter one of them: you can always call our team to arrange for speedy furnace repairs—we offer 24/7 emergency service because we know just how important home heating is for our customers. 

Below, we’ll look at several common startup issues you might encounter with your furnace. This will give you a better idea of what needs to be done to correct it.

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