How Efficient Are Solar Panels? More Than You Think

October 27th, 2021

Undoubtedly, you’ve noticed the growing number of households embracing solar energy. Recent advancements in photovoltaic technology have greatly increased the efficiency of solar panels, making them a reliable source of electricity for homes. However, it’s natural to have questions, particularly regarding the efficiency and benefits of solar panels.

Clearing the Air Around Solar Panel Efficiency

Whether you have ample roof space or a more limited area, understanding the efficiency of solar panels is crucial. It directly affects the amount of energy you can harness and allows you to maximize your available space and resources while reducing your carbon footprint.

At Edelman Inc., we are committed to empowering our customers with knowledge. We strive to provide you with a clear understanding of solar energy systems and help you navigate the complexities of this technology. Our aim is to equip you with accurate and up-to-date information, enabling you to make informed decisions about your energy future.

Table of Content:

  1. 1. Why Efficiency Matters
  2. 2. The Most Efficient Type of Solar Panels
    1. Monocrystalline solar panels
    2. Polycrystalline solar panels
    3. Thin-film solar panels
  3. 3. Determine Efficiency of Solar Panels
    1. More panels = more efficiency?
    2. Higher temperatures don’t boost efficiency
    3. Solar panels efficiency isn’t about size

Why Efficiency Matters When Choosing Solar Panels

Solar cells harness the power of sunlight through the photovoltaic (PV) effect, converting photons into electrical energy measured in volts.

While commonly constructed from silicon crystals, photovoltaic cells can also utilize other elements like selenium and germanium. The pursuit of the most efficient combination of these elements within the right crystalline structure determines the overall efficiency of solar panels.

But how is solar panel efficiency determined? Efficiency testing involves assessing the ratio between the electricity produced by a panel and the solar irradiance it receives. This evaluation takes place under standard test conditions (STC), where panels are exposed to 1,000 watts per square meter of solar irradiance at a temperature of 25°C (77ºF).

A solar panel’s power output rating (Pmax), measured in watts, indicates its maximum power production capability under STC. Residential solar panels typically range from 275 to 400 watts. For example, a 2-square meter panel exposed to 2,000 watts and possessing a Pmax of 350 watts would have an efficiency rating of 17.50%.

So, why does solar panel efficiency matter? The answer is simple: higher efficiency means more solar power generated from a given amount of sunlight. This becomes particularly important when considering a solar energy system, especially in situations where roof space is limited or solar exposure varies.

Investing in efficient solar panels not only increases energy output but also contributes to a reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, higher efficiencies result in long-term cost savings. More efficient panels generate greater energy throughout their lifespan, allowing for a quicker return on investment compared to less efficient models.

How efficient are solar panels?
The efficiency of a solar panel depends on many factors, including the type of panel, brand, and location. Typically, solar panel efficiency levels range between 15% to 22%. However, advancements in photovoltaic technology are continuously improving this rate.

How much energy does a solar panel produce?
The amount of energy a solar panel produces depends on its size, the amount of sunlight it receives, and its efficiency. Under standard test conditions, a typical residential solar panel with a power output of around 300 watts will produce about 1-1.5 kWh per day.

How much do solar panels save?
Solar panels save money by reducing your reliance on the grid and allowing you to generate your own electricity. However, the exact amount you can save depends on the size of your solar energy system, the amount of solar power it produces, your home’s electricity consumption, and your local utility rates.

Do solar panels reduce electricity bills?
Yes, solar panels can significantly reduce your electricity bills. By generating your own power with a solar energy system, you can offset your electricity consumption and decrease your monthly bills. The exact savings depend on the solar panel power output and your energy usage.

How long do solar panels take to pay for themselves?
The “payback period” for solar panels — the time it takes to recoup the initial investment — can vary. However, with the combination of lower electricity bills and potential solar incentives, panels often pay for themselves within 7 to 10 years.

Do you still have an electric bill with solar panels?
Even with solar panels, you may still receive an electric bill, particularly if your system isn’t producing 100% of the power you use. However, your bill can be significantly lower due to the solar power offsetting your electricity consumption.

What Are the Most Efficient Types of Solar Panels?

When it comes to solar panel efficiency, it’s important to recognize that not all panels are created equal. The market offers three main types of solar panels, each with its own distinct characteristics and efficiency rates. Understanding these differences is crucial in selecting the most efficient panels that meet your specific needs.

The three primary types of solar panels are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film solar panels. They are constructed using different photovoltaic technologies, and this variance significantly influences their efficiency and energy output.

Monocrystalline solar panels

When it comes to solar panel efficiency, monocrystalline solar panels often take center stage. These panels are highly regarded for their exceptional efficiency and power output, making them a popular choice among homeowners and businesses alike.

Monocrystalline solar panels are constructed using a single silicon crystal structure, which allows for unimpeded electron flow. This results in a high conversion efficiency, typically ranging from 17% to 22%. Under standard test conditions, this translates to a greater energy output compared to other panel types.

One notable feature of monocrystalline solar panels is their sleek and uniform appearance. Due to their single-crystal composition, these panels have a smooth texture and a dark black color, adding an aesthetic appeal to your roof space.

However, it’s important to note that the efficiency of monocrystalline panels comes at a higher cost. The complex manufacturing process involved in creating a sole crystal silicon makes these panels generally more expensive. Nevertheless, for many, the initial investment is justified by the panels’ superior energy production and extended lifespan. These types of solar panels save you money in the long run.

Polycrystalline solar panels

When it comes to solar energy efficiency, polycrystalline panels are another significant player in the solar energy market. Recognizable by their distinctive speckled blue appearance, these panels offer an alternative option for those seeking to harness solar power.

Polycrystalline solar panels are made by melting together multiple silicon fragments, resulting in multiple crystals within each cell. While their efficiency rate is typically slightly lower than that of monocrystalline panels, ranging from 15% to 17%, they strike a strong balance between cost and performance.

Under standard test conditions, the power output of polycrystalline panels is only marginally lower than that of monocrystalline panels. Moreover, advancements in photovoltaic technology continue to narrow this efficiency gap, making polycrystalline panels an increasingly attractive choice for many.

In addition, the manufacturing process of polycrystalline panels is less energy-intensive, potentially reducing the carbon footprint of solar panels and contributing to a more environmentally friendly option. Combined with their lower price point, this makes them a popular choice among solar panel buyers.

Thin-film solar panels

One of the unique options in the solar panel market is the thin-film solar panel. As the name suggests, these panels are remarkably thin and flexible, making them cheaper to produce.

In terms of the efficiency of solar panels, thin-film panels generally have lower rates compared to monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels, typically ranging from 10% to 12% under standard test conditions. However, they do offer specific advantages that make them well-suited for certain applications.

One advantage is their resilience to higher temperatures, which positively impacts their solar energy efficiency in hot environments. Additionally, their sleek and uniform appearance makes them aesthetically appealing, making them a preferred choice for solar panel installation where visual appeal matters.

In terms of energy production, thin-film panels require more surface area to generate the same amount of power as other panel types. However, if space is not a constraint, they can be a good cost-effective option for larger installations.

What Determines the Efficiency of Solar Panels?

Several factors play a role in the efficiency of solar panels, and having a good understanding of these factors is essential for making informed decisions about your solar energy system. By optimizing the efficiency of your solar panels, you can maximize your power output and enjoy long-term savings on your energy bills.

While technical and environmental factors are important, it’s also crucial to consider the quality of the installation. Working with a professional solar installer like Edelman Inc. ensures that your panels are placed in the most optimal location and angle, allowing them to capture the maximum amount of sunlight and generate the highest possible energy output.

Do more panels equal more efficiency? It’s not that simple

The total area available for solar installation, commonly known as roof space, plays a crucial role in solar panel energy production and efficiency. Maximizing roof space can often lead to higher efficiencies and allow homeowners to harness the maximum solar power possible.

For instance, while thin-film solar panels may have a lower efficiency per square foot compared to monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, they can still be a suitable choice for buildings with large, flat roofs where space is not a concern.

However, it’s important to note that simply covering your roof with as many solar panels as possible isn’t the key to optimal efficiency. Achieving the right balance between the number of panels, their efficiency rate, and the available roof space is crucial for optimizing solar panel power output. The goal is to generate the maximum amount of energy within the given space, resulting in cost savings on your energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.

Higher temperatures do not boost efficiency

Contrary to popular belief, higher temperatures do not increase the efficiency of solar panels. In fact, extreme heat can have a negative impact on both efficiency and the lifespan of the cells.

Solar panels undergo testing under standard conditions at 25°C (77ºF). As the temperature surpasses this point, their efficiency gradually decreases. Each panel is labeled with a temperature coefficient, which indicates the rate at which they lose efficiency for every degree above 25°C. For instance, a panel with a coefficient of -0.50% will experience a half percent decrease in efficiency for each degree above 25°C.

For regions with high average temperatures, it is crucial to consider the temperature coefficient as it directly affects energy output loss under non-standard conditions. Lower temperature coefficients indicate better performance in high heat, ensuring your panels can cope with the elevated temperatures.

Furthermore, different types of solar panels respond differently to higher temperatures. Thin-film solar panels, for example, generally exhibit better performance under intense heat compared to other types. However, even these panels will experience some reduction in output as temperatures rise.

Understanding the relationship between temperature and efficiency is particularly important for residents in Illinois, where summers can bring warm temperatures. By ensuring that your solar panels maintain efficiency in higher temperatures, you can maximize solar power generation during the peak sunlight months, resulting in greater energy savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

Solar energy efficiency isn’t just about size

Here’s an interesting fact about solar panels: their size doesn’t necessarily determine their efficiency. Don’t be fooled into thinking that a larger solar panel will always be more efficient than a smaller one.

While it’s true that larger panels can produce more energy due to having more photovoltaic cells capturing sunlight, this doesn’t automatically make them more efficient. Efficiency is determined by the performance of the individual solar cells within the panel. In fact, a smaller panel with highly efficient solar cells can outperform a larger panel with less efficient ones.

So, what does this mean for you? When you’re considering residential solar panels, don’t make the size your primary concern. Instead, focus on how much energy you need for your solar power production and the available roof space. In situations where space is limited, higher-efficiency panels can generate more energy, leading to greater long-term cost savings and even a smaller carbon footprint.

Reliable Solar Solutions for a Brighter Future

Now that you’re more informed about solar panel efficiency, you’re in a better position to make the right decision for your home.

The solar panel market offers a wide range of options. Factors such as your roof size, budget, and solar exposure in your location play a significant role in determining the optimal solar solution for you. Additionally, there are many incentives and rebates available to promote their use as an environmentally friendly solution. You can learn more about that in our solar incentives guide.

At Edelman Inc., we take pride in providing a variety of photovoltaic technology options, including monocrystalline and thin film solar panels. We are committed to guiding our customers through the decision-making process, ensuring that each individual’s unique circumstances are considered.

We understand that transitioning to solar energy is a major decision, which is why we offer a complimentary site assessment for prospective customers. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions, address any concerns, and explore the full potential of solar power for your home.

With meticulous planning and the expertise of a reliable solar installer like Edelman, you can maximize your solar panel power output, reduce your environmental impact, and enjoy significant long-term savings.

Take the first step towards a brighter future. Contact us today to schedule your free site assessment and embark on your solar energy journey with confidence.

Interested in solar panel installation in Illinois?

Take the first step towards sustainable energy and lower utility bills – Discover the benefits of solar panel installation in Illinois today!

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What Are the Health Benefits of LED Lighting?

September 16th, 2021

By now, you’re probably aware of many of the benefits provided by LED lighting. These lights last longer, provide savings on your electricity bill, and are more durable than other forms of lighting. But did you know that switching to LED lighting can also provide numerous health benefits?

In the latest blog from Edelman Inc., we’ll discuss some of the many health benefits of LED lighting to help you decide if making the switch to LED lighting is the best choice for your home and family.

Reduced Mercury Exposure

Mercury is a toxic chemical that can be found in incandescent and fluorescent lighting. However, LED lights do not contain any mercury. By switching to LED lighting, you can protect your family from the dangerous effects caused by exposure to mercury.

Reduced UV Exposure

Many different light sources emit ultraviolet radiation. Too much exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to skin cancer, among other issues. LED lights, in contrast to many other forms of lighting, do not emit any ultraviolet radiation. 

Lower Anxiety

We all need some sort of exposure to natural light sources. LED lights are designed to replicate the effects of natural light. If you spend much of your time inside or are affected by seasonal affective disorder, this will help to greatly reduce anxiety caused by limited exposure to natural light. 

Additionally, if your home uses fluorescent lighting, you might’ve noticed a low buzzing sound coming from the light bulbs. Buzzing sounds from light sources have been linked to increased anxiety, headaches, and stress. 

Fewer Issues Caused By Light Sensitivity

For individuals who deal with light sensitivity, lighting that flickers or emits light that is too bright can quickly lead to headaches and migraines, nausea, and anxiety. The light emitted from LED bulbs is more consistent than other light sources and is not prone to flickering. 

Making the switch to LED lighting technology will help to reduce headaches and other physical issues caused by light sensitivity.

Promotes Healthy Circadian Rhythm

Many light sources contain blue wavelengths that can reduce a body’s production of melatonin. LED lighting contains fewer blue wavelengths, and actually mimics natural lighting to improve levels of melatonin. 

Not only will this promote a healthy and regulated circadian rhythm, but it will also lead to reduced stress and improved sleep. If you’ve been struggling to maintain a consistent sleep cycle, switching to warm lighting, such as LED lighting, can help. 

Contact Edelman Inc. for LED Lighting Installation

Edelman Inc. knows that making the switch to LED lighting can provide a wide variety of benefits. The health and overall well-being of your family can be improved significantly by replacing other lighting options with LED lighting.

To schedule an appointment for LED lighting installation in Champaign, IL, or to receive more information about the vast array of benefits provided by LED lighting, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today. We’ll provide you with all of the information that you need to make the best decision for your home and family.

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Why is Mold Growing in My Air Ducts?

September 16th, 2021

From advanced furnace filters to whole-house air purifiers, your HVAC system gives you several options to improve your home’s indoor air quality. However, a hidden intruder may be in your ductwork contaminating your air without you even realizing it: mold. Discover what you should know about mold in your air ducts, as well as how to remove mold and prevent it, to help you breathe easier in your home.

Why Can Mold Grow in Air Ducts?

Mold can prosper in virtually any dark and damp environment, and air ducts are no exception. The air that circulates through your HVAC system often contains humidity that can condense on the interior walls of your ductwork. This provides a source of excess moisture for mold to feed off of.

To understand how mold finds its way into your air ducts in the first place, you must understand where your HVAC system draws air from. In some cases, members of your household may carry mold spores in with them from outside that circulating air then picks up. Other times, your HVAC system may draw air up from your basement, crawl spaces, and other dark areas of your home that could have some mold.

What Are the Risks of Mold in Your Ducts?

Mold creates a characteristic musty odor that no one enjoys breathing in their home. However, mold in your duct system is more than a simple nuisance — it’s a health risk that you should address as soon as possible. Black mold is particularly toxic, and the health risk it poses only worsens as more spores circulate through your ducts.

Prolonged exposure to mold spores can lead to various health symptoms. Common results of mold exposure include asthma episodes; headaches; and eye, nose, and throat irritation. In more serious cases, mold spores can cause people to experience fatigue, difficulty concentrating, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms will often persist as long as the person is exposed to mold.

What Are the Signs of Mold in Air Vents or Ductwork?

While the most obvious sign of mold in your ducts is the musty smell it creates, this is not the only thing that can help you identify a mold infestation. You may see a black, dust-like coating on your air vent registers that develops as spores come into contact with the registers when air blows out of your ducts. Mold spores that cling to a vent register can even cause a new mold colony to start to develop in the wall around it.

Unfortunately, one of the easiest ways to detect mold in your ducts may be to observe the health effects it can cause in your household. If members of your family experience symptoms of mold exposure, the symptoms will usually worsen when your furnace or air conditioning system is on. Turning your HVAC system off stops circulating spores through your home, and they will settle inside your ductwork.

How Can You Prevent Mold in Your Ducts?

If mold is already present in your ductwork, the only way to be sure that it is removed completely is to hire a heating, air conditioner and indoor air quality professional for duct cleaning. This will get rid of mold colonies deep in your ducts that you couldn’t reach on your own. Because of this, preventing mold growth in your ducts is a much better plan than addressing the problem once it arises.

The key to preventing mold is reducing the amount of moisture that enters your ductwork. This involves patching any gaps in your ducts as well as small leaks in plumbing near your ductwork. Avoid closing air vents or blocking them with furniture to promote air circulation and reduce condensation in your ducts. 

Additionally, you may also want to consider a whole-house dehumidifier. This will help to keep your home’s air at a healthy humidity level.

Contact Edelman Inc. for Air Duct Cleaning Services in Champaign, IL

Mold in air ducts is a problem that can easily go unnoticed, but it isn’t one that you have to live with. Increased mold exposure can cause several health issues if left untreated. If you need professional duct cleaning or other HVAC repairs and maintenance, contact Edelman Inc. today.

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How Often Should Sewer Lines Be Cleaned?

August 3rd, 2021

A working sewer line is critical to every home. Sewer lines are responsible for carrying wastewater away from your showers, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers, and more. If your sewer line is working as it should, you likely don’t pay attention to scheduling regular cleanings. However, having your sewer line cleaned regularly can help to prevent serious and expensive repairs, or even a complete line replacement. 

Keep reading the latest blog post from Edelman to discover why having your sewer line cleaned is so important, how often it should be cleaned, and some signs to look for that indicate a cleaning is needed soon.

Importance of Sewer Line Cleaning

Sewer lines are incredibly important. We rely on them to move used and contaminated water away from our homes. However, when problems occur with sewer lines, they can often become very serious, dangerous, and expensive.

The best way to ensure clogs and other issues do not occur is through regular sewer line cleaning services. Your technician will inspect your sewer line and thoroughly clear it out. Not only does this clean your sewer line, but any minor issues will be corrected before they grow. Simply put, scheduling consistent sewer line cleaning services can save your home thousands of dollars in potential repair or replacement costs.

Sewer Line Cleaning Frequency

Typically, you should try to have your home’s sewer line cleaned every 18 to 24 months. This will ensure that any issues are caught before they become much bigger. Having your sewer line cleaned consistently will even reduce the amount of slow and clogged drains within your home.

Signs That You Need to Have Your Sewer Lines Cleaned

Frequent Clogs

Few things are as irritating as shower or sink drains that just won’t drain. If you’re experiencing clogs all over the home, there’s likely an issue with the sewer line that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Having your line cleaned and inspected can fix the issue and free your drains of those annoying clogs.

Wet Spots in the Yard

If there are wet spots in your yard that smell like raw sewage, there’s likely an issue with the sewer line that is allowing wastewater to escape. While sewer line cleaning can help in these situations, the damage can sometimes be serious enough to require repair or replacement. Diagnosis from a professional plumber is highly recommended to ensure that the problem receives the proper fix.

Water Backing Up

After you flush the toilet, you shouldn’t see water gurgle and bubble. If it does, there’s too much air within the sewer line. This can be remedied through proper cleaning, but it should be performed quickly after noticing the issue to prevent the problem from growing. 

Trust Edelman for Sewer Line Cleaning Services

The professional team of plumbers at Edelman understands how important it is for your home to have a functional and reliable sewer line. That’s why we’ll always treat your home and sewer pipes with the attention and respect that they deserve. If you haven’t had your sewer line cleaned in a couple of years, or have never had this service performed, trust the team at Edelman. Call our phone number, or contact us online today to schedule an appointment for sewer line cleaning in the Champaign, IL area.

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What Should First-time Homeowners Know About Their HVAC Systems?

August 3rd, 2021

If you’re diving into homeownership for the first time, then you may not be familiar with the ins and outs of maintaining an HVAC system on your own. While modern home heating and cooling systems are reliable, they still require occasional maintenance and repairs. Fortunately, it only takes a little care and knowledge to ensure that your new home’s HVAC system keeps you comfortable for years to come.

HVAC systems are a topic that can fill libraries, but you only need to understand a few essentials when it comes to your own home. These helpful tips for buying a house with an old HVAC system will help get you started on the right foot with your new home so that you can enjoy it without worrying about costly repair bills.

Perform a Post-purchase Inspection and Service

If you relied on a general contractor to perform your home inspection, then you’ll want to schedule an HVAC professional to examine your heating and air conditioning system thoroughly. General home inspectors can recognize highly evident issues, but they typically are not qualified to inspect all aspects of your HVAC system. You can combine this inspection with your annual service to save some cash.

The primary purpose of a post-purchase inspection and service is to bring your system’s maintenance up to date and provide a clean starting point for future service. In addition to checking the state of critical components, your technician will also clean and lubricate serviceable parts of the system, such as your blower motor. This could take care of any minor issues before they grow to become more serious and expensive.

Get to Know Your Thermostats

Your maintenance routine is important, but your thermostat usage also keeps your HVAC system functioning reliably and efficiently. Setting your thermostat too low in the summer or too high in the winter can cause your heater and central air conditioner to run for extended periods. This will wear out components more quickly and rapidly drive up your utility bills.

In most cases, your HVAC system won’t be able to reduce your home’s temperature more than 20 degrees below the outdoor ambient temperature. Keep this in mind to avoid overstressing your system on scorching days. You can turn it up a bit in the winter to stay comfortable, but remember that the EPA recommended temperature for energy savings in the winter is 68 degrees.

Learn Some DIY Maintenance

You’ll want to schedule a visit with a professional technician at least once per year, but there are a few essential maintenance steps you can take in between service calls. The most critical of these steps is to check and replace your air filter regularly. A dirty filter does more than just reduce your air quality; it can also stress your blower motor or compressor, which ultimately leads to failures.

If you have access to your AC system’s user manual (you can also usually find these online), you should also determine how to access your evaporator and condenser coils. Cleaning these coils is a simple maintenance task you can perform yourself, and it won’t cost you more than a can of coil cleaner.

Build a Relationship with a Reputable HVAC Company

Even the best HVAC system eventually needs maintenance and repairs. Keep up with routine maintenance and annual service visits to minimize the potential for severe trouble, but you’ll still want reliable help when something goes wrong. When you stick with one HVAC company, their heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality technicians will learn your system’s unique quirks and more effectively deal with problems as they develop.

No matter the age of your home or the condition of its HVAC system, Edelman Inc. can be your reliable partner. We can help you maintain your system so that it lasts for years and work with you to provide a cost-effective replacement when it finally reaches the end of its life. Get in touch with us today for any of your HVAC servicing needs!

Contact Edelman for HVAC Services

If you’re buying a new home, finding an HVAC company that you can trust with the needs of your home is critical to the effectiveness of your HVAC system. If you’re looking for a heating and cooling company in the Champaign, IL area, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of technicians will listen to you to understand what the issues are and provide you with the best possible solution.

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4 Benefits of Dryer Vent Cleaning

July 23rd, 2021

It’s easy to ignore many parts of your home, especially the dryer and dryer vent. In fact, some homeowners may have gone years without having their dryer vent cleaned or inspected. Clogged vents can pose many issues. If you would like to learn more, check out these four benefits of dryer vent cleaning.

Benefits of Dryer Vent Cleaning

1. Reduces Risk of Dryer Fire

Any appliance that is poorly maintained may pose a danger, such as the risk of fire or electrocution. Dryers are notorious for fires. In fact, 2,900 dryer fires occur each year, resulting in an average of 5 deaths. About 34 percent of the time, the cause is neglecting to clean the dryer, including the vent.

You likely clean the lint from the lint trap, but lint traps are far from perfect and small bits of lint can slip past the trap. Eventually, lint builds up in the vent that releases hot air from the dryer to the outside. Some people try to prevent this by installing a wire screen over the wall damper, but this can worsen the problem by trapping more lint to create a clog.

Regardless of the reason, clogged dryer vents can cause heat to build up in the dryer, increasing the risk of a fire. In addition, lint is incredibly flammable, further increasing the risk of the fire hazard, or for the fire to worsen.

2. Boosts the Dryer’s Efficiency

Your dryer uses a lot of energy to get your clothes nice and dry. Therefore, you want it to be as efficient as possible to save energy and prevent higher energy bills. There are many small things you can do to boost your dryer’s efficiency such as keeping the lint trap cleaned. However, one of the best ways to boost your dryer’s efficiency is to get the dryer exhaust vent cleaned.

For most homes, experts recommend having your vent inspected and cleaned at least once a year, but if you live with lots of people or do a lot of laundry, twice a year may be best. During a good cleaning, an expert can check for anything else that may be causing dryer vent clogs, such as animal nests. You can tell your dryer is losing efficiency if it starts to take multiple cycles to dry your clothes.

Naturally, if you keep the dryer vent clean, it takes less time to dry your clothes, which can save you hours on laundry days. Plus, the faster the system dries clothes, the less energy it uses.

3. Lowers the Risk of Moisture

Dryers generate a lot of heat, but they also are exposed to lots of water. A regular load of wet clothing and laundry can produce two to three gallons of water that needs to be expelled via the vent. If you have a clogged vent that is full of lint, there will be a higher risk of moisture build-up inside the vent. In addition, the clog prevents the moisture from escaping, so it heads back to the dryer.

All of this moisture can lead to many problems. In most cases, it will increase the risk of mold or mildew inside the system, which can damage clothes or cause clothing odors. Plus, the mold and mildew spores can get into the air and cause allergies or breathing problems.

Keeping your vent clean may be the only solution but ask your technician about the length of your vent too. Vents that are too long or have lots of bends are at a higher risk of developing issues like clogs and moisture.

4. Fewer Repairs and Increased Lifespan

Dirty dryer vents cause dryers to work harder to properly perform their job, leading to premature wear and tear and eventually a higher risk of breakdowns. This ultimately leads to costly repairs or even dryer replacement.

A typical dryer lasts about 10 to 12 years. Having the dryer vent professionally cleaned on a regular basis will keep your dryer operating more efficiently, delay having to buy a new unit and save on expensive repairs costs.

Contact Edelman for Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning Services

Even if you clean your lint trap before every load, you may have lint buildup in the dryer vent, which can increase the risk of fire, reduce efficiency, and worsen allergens. If you would like to schedule an appointment or learn more about dryer vent cleaning, contact us at Edelman today.

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What Are the Different Types of HVAC Systems?

July 23rd, 2021

Whether you are moving into a new home or upgrading your existing heating and cooling solution, you have a lot of options to choose from. No HVAC system is perfect for every home, so you will need to consider several factors before deciding which system to install next. Here is an overview of four different types of residential HVAC systems.

Different Types of Residential HVAC Systems

1. Central Heating and Air 

Central heating and air is still the most popular option in modern homes. These heating and cooling systems consist of an indoor furnace, blower, and condenser coils and an outdoor condenser unit. Central heat and air is the first solution that most homeowners will consider to evenly heat and cool an entire home of any size.

Central heat and air conditioning systems are still so popular because they’re easy to install in any home with existing ductwork. The easy installation also means that you will usually pay less upfront to install central heat and air than you would for other systems. However, other types of HVAC systems available today can be significantly more energy-efficient, so central heat and air may cost more over the long term in monthly bills.

2. Hybrid Heat Pump Split Systems 

Although you may think from the name that a heat pump is just an alternative to a furnace, heat pumps are actually capable of both heating and cooling. Heat pumps move heat around to warm or cool your home instead of heating or cooling air directly. These systems rely on drawing heat from outdoors, so they do not have the same heating capacity as a furnace in very cold weather.

Because of this limitation, hybrid heat pump split systems were developed. A hybrid system features a heat pump as well as an electric or fuel-burning furnace. When the heat pump can no longer meet the heating demand of your home, the furnace takes over. This method of adapting to your heating needs makes hybrid systems a very energy-efficient option.

If you live in a particularly cold climate that commonly reaches freezing temperatures, there may not be a cost-benefit to installing a hybrid system, as you will be relying on the furnace most of the time. And no matter where you live, you should expect to pay more upfront for a hybrid system than a traditional central heating and air system.

3. Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pumps 

Ductless mini-split heat pump systems are the premier option for zone-cooling your home. An air handler is installed in each room with a conduit that runs to an outdoor condenser instead of a duct. Ductless conduits take up much less space than ductwork, so they can be installed in even the smallest homes.

Because most HVAC system energy loss occurs due to warm air or cool air leaking from ductwork, ductless systems deliver unparalleled energy efficiency. You can increase your energy savings even more with zone heating and cooling since you only have to run the air handler in the rooms you are using. Because they rely solely on a heat pump, however, they may not be suitable for very cold climates.

4. Packaged Heating and Air Conditioning 

If you live in a home that is particularly small or lacking utility space, you may not have room for an indoor unit. A packaged system could be exactly the answer you’re looking for. With the furnace and air conditioner installed in the same outdoor housing, no heating or cooling system has a smaller footprint in your home than a packaged system.

Many contractors will provide lower service rates to homes with packaged heating and air since all components that need to be serviced are in one easily accessible place. Some homeowners may want to consider the effect this system will have on their home’s appearance though since the housing must be installed on an outer wall or the roof of your home.

Contact Edelman for Installation of a New HVAC System

Installing a new HVAC system is a large investment, so it’s important to choose a system that you’ll be happy with for years to come. Keep these tips in mind, and contact the heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality experts atEdelman so we can help you find the best HVAC system for your home.

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4 Signs Your AC Refrigerant May Need a Recharge

April 27th, 2021

If your air conditioner is no longer cooling properly, one of the first problems you should consider is a low refrigerant level. Without enough refrigerant, your air conditioner won’t be able to remove heat from the air inside your home.

In addition to poor cooling capacity, a low refrigerant level is often accompanied by a few other telltale symptoms. Here are four signs that your air conditioner may be in need of a refrigerant recharge.

1. AC That Runs Too Long

Regardless of how much refrigerant is left inside your air conditioner, it will still try to run until your home reaches the temperature set on the thermostat. When your AC is low enough on refrigerant that it doesn’t cool your home at all, this could even mean that it will run indefinitely. Always keep an eye on how long your AC runs before you shut it off, as excessive run time could mean your unit needs service.

There are other potential causes for long air conditioner run times, so low refrigerant isn’t always to blame. For example, a clogged HVAC air filter can limit airflow through your system and force it to run longer to deliver the same amount of air. You should consider long run times to be an early warning sign of low refrigerant, but look for other symptoms as well before you determine this is the problem.

2. Increased Energy Bills

How frequently and how long you run your air conditioner goes hand-in-hand with how much your monthly energy bills will be each month. Since low refrigerant can force your AC to run longer, it can also cause a sudden and unexpected increase in your bill.

If a low refrigerant charge reduces your system’s efficiency and raises your energy bill, you will notice these problems without any change in your AC usage habits. Particularly hot days or changes in the number of people in your home can increase your home’s demand for cooling, but low refrigerant will cause the same effects without any changes in how much you run your air conditioner.

3. Hissing Refrigerant Lines

In a central air conditioner, the refrigerant is circulated in a closed loop between the outdoor condenser and the evaporator coils above your indoor air handler. Refrigerant doesn’t get used up over time, so a leak is almost always the cause behind a low refrigerant charge. While you can’t see refrigerant escape from your system, you may be able to detect a leak in another way.

The refrigerant in your air conditioner is under a significant amount of pressure. Like a punctured tire, refrigerant lines will often make an audible hissing sound as the refrigerant gas escapes from the system. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, turn your air conditioner off and listen near the outdoor condenser for the sound of this gas escaping from the refrigerant lines.

4. A Frozen AC Unit

An air conditioner that freezes up even on the hottest summer days can be surprising. This occurs when the refrigerant level is low enough in your system to cause the refrigerant lines and coils to reach a temperature below freezing. Moisture in the air then condenses on them and freezes.

Your condenser will still expand and cool the refrigerant when it’s low, which will cause the coils and lines to reach a much lower temperature than they’re designed for.

Not only will a frozen air conditioner fail to cool your home effectively, but it can also cause your condenser to overheat and become damaged if it continues to run. You should turn your air conditioner off and call a technician immediately when you notice it frozen.

When you know the signs of low refrigerant, you can save money, keep your home comfortable, and keep your air conditioner in good condition. If you suspect that your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, contact us at Edelman Inc. for a recharge, any necessary leak repair, and all your other HVAC service needs.

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4 Tips to Save Money on Air Conditioning

April 27th, 2021

Air conditioner efficiency is something that most homeowners only think about when purchasing a new unit. However, you could improve the efficiency of your current central air conditioner in several easy ways. Discover four tips that will help you save money on air conditioning this summer.

1. Maintain Your HVAC Air Filter

The HVAC air filter is the easiest part of your system to maintain but is also easy to overlook. Failing to maintain your air filter can lead to increased strain on the system that shortens its life and raises your monthly energy bill. A dirty air filter also will not be able to remove contaminants from the air properly, leading to reduced indoor air quality.

Depending on the type of filter you have, you should make a routine of cleaning or replacing it. Most homes have disposable fiberglass filters, but you may have a washable pleated or electrostatic filter. In either case, checking your filter at least once a month is usually all that’s needed to keep your filter from blocking airflow and reducing the efficiency of your HVAC system.

2. Know the Signs of Efficiency Problems

Solving poor AC efficiency will be difficult if you aren’t aware of the signs that you have a problem. In addition to a rising bill, efficiency issues often result in a specific set of symptoms that homeowners can identify if they know what to look for. One of the easiest signs to notice is unusual sounds while your AC runs. Your air conditioner should never make grinding, banging, or rattling sounds if everything is in order.

You should also take notice if your air conditioner turns on and off more frequently than it should. This is a problem known as short-cycling. Your AC uses more energy and costs you money if it short-cycles, as it takes a surge of power to start up your AC each time. Short-cycling could be the result of a faulty thermostat or a failing component inside the air conditioner.

3. Make Sure Your Home Is Well-Insulated

Any conditioned air that escapes your home is money wasted. Ensuring that your home is well-insulated will help to keep more cool air in and more warm air out, which will allow you to run your air conditioner less frequently. Attic insulation and ductwork insulation are two of the most important types when reducing your spending on air conditioning.

4. Reduce the Load on Your AC

Naturally, the best way to save money on air conditioning is to use your AC less frequently. However, this doesn’t mean you have to let your home get uncomfortably warm during the summer months. With the right supplemental cooling methods and a few simple tips to keep your home cooler, you can see a significant reduction in your energy bill.

Ceiling fans and portable fans are some of the best options for keeping yourself cool when you don’t need to cool your entire home. Heating and cooling are the largest parts of your energy bill, so even running a fan in every room will still use less energy than your HVAC system.

Also, limit the amount of heat that enters your home in the first place. Keep curtains or blinds closed through the day, and consider UV-blocking window treatments. You may also want to limit using your dryer, oven, and other heat-generating appliances during the hottest part of the day.

Saving money on air conditioning doesn’t always require expensive upgrades or extensive repairs. Use these tips to keep your home more comfortable in the summer without breaking the bank, and contact Edelman Inc. for all your HVAC needs.

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3 Problems That a Bad Residential Water Supply Line Can Cause

April 27th, 2021

If you own a home, then be aware of all of the components of your home plumbing system and the signs that one of them may not function properly. One important component of your home plumbing system is the pipe network that transfers water from the city’s main waterline to your home. This pipeline is typically referred to as the home’s water supply line or water service line.

Learn about three plumbing problems that a bad home water supply line can cause and how to remedy these problems.

1. Sudden High Water Bill

If you have lived in your home for a long time, then you have likely learned how your family’s habits affect your home water bill. If your home water bill suddenly skyrockets when no one in your family has changed their water usage habits, then that is often a sign that your home’s water supply line may have developed a leak.

Quickly determine if you have a leak in your water supply line. First, record the numbers on your home water meter. Then, shut off your home’s main water supply valve for one full hour. Finally, check to see if the numbers on the meter have changed before reopening the water shutoff valve.

If the numbers do change, then that means you likely have a leak in your home water supply line. Contact a plumber to find the source of the leak and repair or replace the leaky pipe.

2. Low Home Water Pressure 

If water pressure is low throughout your entire home, then this problem may stem from a supply line problem.

You may have a water supply line that is simply too small to meet your family’s water needs, especially if you recently added additional plumbing fixtures during a home renovation project. To fix this problem, have a plumber replace your current water supply line with a larger one.

For example, if your home has a typical 1” supply line about 50 feet in length, it can deliver about 9 gallons of water to your home per minute. However, a 1 1/4” supply line of the same length can deliver 16 gallons of water to your home per minute. This simple upgrade can greatly increase low home water pressure from a too-small supply line.

Low water pressure can also be from a supply pipe of galvanized steel that has developed extensive interior corrosion. As lime scale, rust, and other corrosion build up on the interior surface of this pipe type over time, less water can flow through the pipes, reducing the water pressure of the water going to the home.

To solve this problem, a licensed plumber can check your water supply line for corrosion. They will either remove this corrosion with a pipe descaling treatment or replace the corroded pipes with new pipes with modern, corrosion-resistant materials.

3. Basement Mold or Mildew Growth

Another problem that can be from a problem with a home water supply line is mold or mildew growth in the basement. Most home water supply lines enter a home through a basement wall. If the supply line develops a leak inside of or near the basement wall, the wall can become wet and stay wet as the pipe continues to leak. A moist basement wall becomes a breeding ground for mold and mildew relatively quickly.

If you have new basement mold or mildew growth near the area where your home’s water supply line enters your home, then contact a plumbing professional. They can inspect your water’s supply line to locate a hidden leak that may have caused your problem and repair the waterline.

Every homeowner should understand the components of their home plumbing system and the signs that they may have a problem with one of these components. If you notice the signs of a home water supply line problem, then contact the plumbing experts at Edelman Inc. for diagnosis and repair of this problem today.

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