How Do Air Purifiers Work?

March 29th, 2022

If you’re a Champaign, IL area homeowner who suffers from spring allergies, you may be searching for the right indoor air quality equipment to reduce your symptoms. However, to the millions of Americans who suffer from allergies, that sounds too good to be true, right? Air purifiers are an excellent option, but you may not be familiar with the way they function. This begs the question: how do air purifiers work? Edelman Inc. shares the details and explains why installing a whole house air purifier can benefit you and your loved ones.

How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers work by utilizing a set of filters to help keep the air inside of your home clean. Filtration is a method of air cleaning that most homeowners know to associate with HVAC systems. Unfortunately, HVAC system filters aren’t capable of extracting all of the allergens and contaminants that exist in our indoor air supply, nor is that their purpose. Filtration and filters pass air through media, and particles are trapped by the media, effectively removing them from the air supply.

Air purifiers work a bit differently. While some whole house air purifiers use a pre-filter unit to mechanically filter contaminant particles out of the air, their main mechanism is UV light. These devices run using bulbs that emit UVC energy to treat air flowing through the light stream. 

UV air purifiers are installed within the HVAC system to treat contaminants in the air supply while air is moving through the heating or cooling unit for conditioning. As air circulates, the UVC energy from the bulbs neutralizes any organic matter in the air. Mold spores, bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust mites, and other allergens are killed on contact so they are unable to reproduce, nor are they able to trigger symptoms or cause infections upon exposure. The particles still remain in the air supply, but the air purifier renders them harmless to humans in the home.

Benefits of Air Purifier Installation

Installing a whole house air purifier brings a variety of benefits, including:

  • Eliminating lingering odors caused by mold, mildew, and bacteria in the home.
  • Reducing exposure to allergens and contaminants that trigger allergy symptoms and asthma attacks.
  • Keeping your family healthier throughout the year b minimizing the spread of illnesses throughout your household.
  • Requiring minimal electricity so they don’t cost much to operate throughout the year.
  • Air purifiers are extremely low maintenance, and only require bulb replacement every one to three years, depending on your equipment.
  • Eliminating mold growth in your HVAC system which can restrict performance and waste energy, as well as stress components and cause the unit to break down.
  • Preventing the spread of mold and mildew throughout your duct-work and living areas, stopping future growth and damage.
  • UV air purifiers don’t produce ozone as they operate, so you don’t have to worry about ozone exposure due to their use.

Air Purifier Installation in Champaign, IL

Air purifiers are an excellent tool to help you combat air pollution, allergens, and more inside your Champaign, IL area home. If you have questions regarding how air purifiers work or would like an estimate for installation of a whole house air purifier, contact Edelman Inc. today.


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How Long Does Electrical Wiring Last?

March 3rd, 2022

One of the most essential aspects of your home’s operation is something that you can’t even see. Hidden behind your walls is the wiring system that keeps your entire home’s electricity up and running. The efficiency of the electrical wiring in your home is crucial to keeping your home’s electrical components working the way you expect them to. Keeping your house’s electrical wiring in good condition is crucial to a safe and happy home.

Knowing how long electrical wiring should last, as well as the age of your own wiring could prove to be the difference between your house’s electrical components working optimally or failing when you need them most.

Life Expectancy of Electrical Wiring

The life expectancy of electrical wiring can vary depending on the different variations of electrical wires and installation practices, among other things. However, the commonly agreed-upon general time frame of electrical wiring being effective is around 50 years. However, wiring’s age alone is not the only thing to consider when determining if wiring needs to be replaced.

There are a number of different factors however that can alter how long your home’s wiring is working correctly. For example, the level of professionalism and care that was taken when the wires were originally installed can greatly affect the lifespan of your home’s wiring. If the person who originally installed the wiring was not up to par, your house could be at risk.

It is important to realize that it is not typically the copper component of your wiring that will fail with age. Copper is known to keep its conductive properties for 100 years! It is the sheathing on the outside of the wire that will likely go bad before the copper.

Is Old Wiring Dangerous?

Old wiring itself is not inherently dangerous. As it ages there is always the chance for corrosion or damage to occur, which could eventually lead to serious problems like becoming a shock hazard or starting electrical fires.

However, wiring being old does not mean it is unsafe or even needs to be replaced. You also need to make sure that your electrical transformers are working efficiently. They last, on average, 30 years and should typically be looked at by a qualified electrical contractor.

Do I Need My Electrical Wiring Checked?

If you live in a newer build and are not experiencing any visible problems with your wiring, your wiring is likely working as intended, but there are no guarantees on the craftsmanship of the wiring system installation. Faulty wiring installation can cause issues even if the wiring isn’t very old.

If your home was built before the 1990s, then we suggest an experienced technician takes a look at your home’s wiring. Even though the wiring may not be very old, the peace of mind you get from having a qualified professional give you the okay on your home’s electrical wiring is unmatched. If you are moving into a new build and want to start your electrical services off on the right foot, we offer the highest quality electrical installation services.

The safety of your home is not something that our team at Edelman Inc. takes lightly. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, craftsmanship, and unrivaled customer service. Do yourself and your home a huge favor and have your electrical wiring inspected by Edelman Inc. We offer high-quality electrical service upgrades that allow your house to run as efficiently as possible!

Get in Contact with Edelman Inc. Today

Work with a company that cares about your house’s safety as much as you do. For unparalleled customer service and expertise, call us today at 217-290-9095 or contact us here to book an appointment!

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What’s Included in a Sump Pump Maintenance Checklist?

March 3rd, 2022

Catching problems early before they turn into something worse is extremely important to do as a homeowner. Water damage is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a home. With the chances of your family’s possessions being destroyed, a giant bill, and an extensive clean-up process, it is no surprise why homeowners take their sump pump maintenance seriously.

It is important to be well informed on your sump pump and stay up to date with its maintenance. Following a structured sump pump maintenance checklist is one of the best ways to keep it in ideal shape and your basement dry!

Sump Pump Yearly Checklist

Sump pumps are something that can be easily overlooked by homeowners, as they are small and often out of sight. However, with the potential for extensive damage if not properly maintained, providing your sump pump with year-round maintenance should be at the top of your to-do list.

Here are some basic tips to follow to keep your sump pump running smoothly!

  • Make sure the pump is connected. While it may seem redundant, the first step in checking your sump pumps is to make sure it is connected to the power source.
  • Test your pump. Now it is time to see if your sump pump is doing the job that it is supposed to be doing. An easy way to do this is by pouring a bucket of water directly into the drainage hole.
  • The pump should start almost instantly and begin pumping away the water. If it does not, then you may have a problem developing.
  • Power off the pump and disconnect it. After you have carefully cut off the power supply to the sump pump and removed it from the hole, you can begin the process of cleaning. Begin with the sump pump pit itself. Cleaning the physical pump is not very demanding and can usually be done with a hose, bucket, and wire brush. Keep in mind that each model of sump pump is different and might come with unique cleaning instructions.
  • Check the discharge line of your pump. Small bits of rock and dirt can often get stuck in the pump or grate. This can restrict the flow of excess water and cause your sump pump to not operate at its full capacity.

After you complete those steps, you should have an idea of how well your sump pump is working! It is also helpful to test your sump pump regularly. Being proactive about its maintenance could be the difference between a flooded and dry basement.

Do I Need Professional Service?

While regular sump pump maintenance and simple cleaning procedures are very important, it is still important to have maintenance performed by an experienced professional. Trust the dedicated team at Edelman Inc. to check out your pump if you are new to a home or are experiencing more serious issues. If you moved into an older home or are having more serious issues, your sump pump may need a full replacement. The typical life expectancy of a sump pump is about 7 years, so if yours is older than that, a full replacement could be for you.

If you are in need of a full replacement or major repairs, then working with a high-quality company is important to ensure the safety of your home and the longevity of your sump pump. Between a professional level installation and repairs, alongside diligent maintenance, you can expect your sump pump to be operating smoothly for years to come.

Get in Contact with Edelman Inc.

If you want to ensure your sump pump is operating at full capacity and will for years to come, do it with the best. Our team is dedicated, experienced, and ready to help your home be the best it can be. Give us a call to schedule at 217-290-9095 or contact us here!

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What Are the Most Common Furnace Problems?

February 3rd, 2022

When your furnace suddenly stops working, your first instinct might be to panic. Don’t worry, most likely this one furnace issue does not mean that your furnace needs to be replaced. Furnaces are like your car in that they need regular maintenance to run well and, like your car, the older your furnace gets, the more likely it is to have problems. If your furnace is younger than 20 years old, then you’re probably just experiencing a common furnace problem that can easily be fixed.

Edelman Inc. is always looking out for our Champaign, IL customers, and we’re happy to teach you a thing or two about your furnace. We hope you’re able to solve your furnace problems after reading this. 

Common Furnace Problems and How To Fix Them

When it comes to fixing your furnace, only do what you feel comfortable doing. Furnaces rely on electricity and natural gas to produce heat, which can make some people nervous. However, some of these solutions to these common furnace problems are simple and don’t involve touching gas or electricity. If you don’t feel comfortable messing with your furnace, call Edelman Inc. for help right away. 

Malfunctioning Thermostat

If you’re experiencing no heat in your home, the first thing you should check is your thermostat. While you might think that you have a malfunctioning furnace, it could be the thermostat that is at fault.

Check the temperature settings and make sure that it’s set to “warm” and not “cold.” It may seem silly, but many people overlook the thermostat when they have no heated air. A malfunctioning thermostat could also be the reason why you have no heat. Many home thermostats rely on batteries for power. Check to see if your thermostat needs batteries and replace them to see if that kicks the heat on again. 

Blower Runs Constantly

If it sounds like your electric or gas furnace is just running constantly, check your thermostat to see if the “fan” setting is on. This setting causes the fan in the furnace to blow continuously. Change the fan setting to “auto” and see if that helps. A constantly running blower could also be a sign there is an issue with the fan limit control switch. Try restarting the thermostat at the breaker to see if that helps. 

Furnace Frequently Cycles On and Off

If you hear your furnace turn on, run for a second, shut off, and then repeat this process, you’re experiencing what furnace experts call “short cycling.” This is a very common furnace problem and it could be caused by a couple of things. Blocked airflow is a common cause of short cycling.

Your furnace’s air filter needs to be replaced every 90 days to keep it from getting clogged. Replacing a clogged filter regularly will help maintain airflow to the furnace. You can buy most furnace filters at any hardware store. However, if you’ve replaced your clogged air filter and the furnace is still short cycling, call Edelman Inc for help. There are most likely issues going on inside the furnace that should be addressed by a professional technician. 

Pilot Light is Out

Most furnaces run on gas which heats the air in your home. Look under your furnace to see if you can find the tiny flame that heats the air in your furnace. That flame is your pilot light. If the pilot light is not lit, consult your owner’s manual. Most manuals have simple directions you can follow to relight it. 

Furnace is Noisy

A noisy furnace is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Try replacing the air filter to see if that helps. If it doesn’t then it’s time to call for help. Turn off your furnace at the breaker and then call a professional HVAC technician for help. There could be internal issues that are best addressed by an experienced furnace repair professional. 

Call Edelman Inc. To Help Solve Your Furnace Problems

Don’t get left out in the cold this winter. If you’re experiencing one of these common furnace problems and none of our solutions have helped, call Edelman Inc. for help. We offer a 24-Hour emergency service for members only and until 10:00 PM for non-members for all of your heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical issues. Whether you have an electric or conventional gas furnace, we can help. Call us today.

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What Are the Benefits of Smart Thermostat Installation?

February 3rd, 2022

It seems like more and more technology is becoming “smart” these days. But what does “smart” really mean? “Smart” means that the product uses artificial intelligence to learn your habits, notice trends, and predict certain actions based on its observations. The latest and greatest home appliance to become smart is your thermostat. There are many benefits to a smart thermostat that you should be aware of if you’re thinking about upgrading your home’s thermostat or HVAC system.

Edelman Inc. is your trusted HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services team in Champaign IL. We can help you find the right smart thermostat compatible with your heating and cooling systems, and install it too. Contact us today to learn more about the capabilities smart thermostats have to offer.

Benefits of a Smart Thermostat

Although thermostat technology hasn’t changed much, upgrading to a smart thermostat can have a big impact on your home’s comfort and energy bill. Smart thermostats have many benefits that go above and beyond what a standard programmable thermostat can do. Some of the benefits of a smart thermostat are:

Easy Scheduling

Your home doesn’t need to be its warmest when everyone is at work or school. A smart thermostat makes it easy to set schedules to lower your thermostat when you leave for work, raise your home’s temperature when you’re on your way home, and lower the temperature before bed. You can create these schedules on your phone or tablet, which is easier to control than the display on the thermostat. 

Controlled From Your Phone or Virtual Assistant

When you’re on vacation, it’s a great idea to turn down the temperature in your home since no one is there. If you’re taking it easy when you realize you forgot to adjust the thermostat before you left, you might start stressing out on your relaxing getaway. Another benefit of a smart thermostat is that you can control your thermostat remotely from your phone. Now you can be stress-free on vacation with temperature controls in your pocket.

Many people have adopted a virtual assistant into their lives. It’s very handy to be able to control lights, appliances, and doorbell cameras with the sound of your voice. Now your thermostat can be controlled too. No need to walk to the thermostat, just ask your virtual assistant to adjust the temperature.

Movement Sensors

If you don’t set a schedule for your new smart thermostat, or you’re off schedule lately, there’s no need to worry about your thermostat. With movement sensors, your thermostat can detect when your family members are active. When people are active in the home, the thermostat will adjust the temperature accordingly. 

Weather Tracking

Some smart thermostats monitor the local weather conditions and adjust the thermostat if needed. So don’t be surprised if you wake up to find your home is toasty warm on the coldest day of the year. It’s because your thermostat noticed how cold it was and made sure your home was at a comfortable temperature. 

Energy Usage and Maintenance Alerts

No one likes to be surprised by a high energy bill, but if you have housemates that regularly adjust the thermostat, your energy costs probably fluctuate wildly. With a smart thermostat, you can easily see your energy usage and find out why your bill is as high as it is.

Smart thermostats can also let you know if there’s something wrong with your heating and air conditioning system. By monitoring your energy usage you can see when your furnace is working hard, but there’s not as much heat as expected. You can also have your thermostat remind you when it’s time for your annual furnace or air conditioner tune-up

Save Money on Energy Bills

Probably the biggest benefit of a smart thermostat is that it can help save you money on energy bills. Depending on the type of smart thermostat you choose, you could save anywhere from 12-23% on your heating and cooling costs. 

Call Edelman Inc. To Learn More About Smart Thermostats

Edelman Inc. is happy to teach you more about the benefits that many smart thermostats offer, as well as install one in your home. Contact us today to improve the climate control in your home today.

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What Are HVAC Zone Control Systems?

December 23rd, 2021

In the winter, you might find it annoying to find that your teenager has cranked up the heat. Teenagers have no idea of how much a few degrees on the thermostat can change your heating bill. Maybe your teenager is actually freezing. It’s possible that their bedroom does not heat up as fast as the rest of your home. There is a way to make sure that colder rooms have their own temperature controls without raising your heating bill. It’s called an HVAC Zone Control Systems and they can help make sure everyone in your home is comfortable. If your winter heating bills are out of control, consider HVAC zones for your home. Edelman is Champaign’s go-to guy for all HVAC questions and upgrades. 

How Does an HVAC Zone Control System Work?

With traditional-style furnaces and ductwork, air travels through your ducts and into each room until a desired temperature is reached at the thermostat. However, the room furthest away from the furnace and the thermostat might not be at the same temperature as the rest of the house before the heat shuts off. That makes this room particularly colder than all the rest. 

With HVAC zone control systems, you divide your home into zones, like a top floor and a bottom floor, and each zone has its own thermostat. Dampers are installed throughout the ductwork to create the zones. A thermostat is installed in each zone and when the temperature is reached in a zone, the damper closes. If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, each room usually has its own air handler with a thermostat. This is a zoned system. Each room is a zone to ensure every guest’s comfort. 

Benefits of HVAC Zone Control Systems

Besides personal comfort, there are many other reasons why having an HVAC zone control system makes sense for your home. Many customers with zoned systems report major energy savings. In fact, zoning can save you up to 35% in energy savings.  With a zoned system, you can simply close the dampers on unused rooms to save energy. When someone changes the thermostat in one zone, it doesn’t affect all the other zones. The system won’t release heated or cooled air into any other zone, which means it uses less energy to achieve the desired temperature. 

Another benefit of a zoned system is improved indoor air quality. Germs, allergens, and other irritants travel through the ductwork of your home and can spread quickly from room to room. Dampers in a controlled system only circulate the air in the zone they’re in. This is ideal to prevent the spread of illness in your home. You can confine a sick family member to a particular zone and no one else in the family will have to worry about the spread of germs. 

Scenarios That Are Best for HVAC Zone Control Systems 

If your home is two or more floors, it might be a good idea to consider an HVAC zone control system, especially if you have lots of family members who are always adjusting the thermostat. Many empty-nesters like to turn off the zones in unoccupied rooms to keep the common areas comfortable without wasting energy on empty rooms. 

Homes with high ceilings and large windows contribute to heat loss. With a zoned system, you can combat this by raising the room’s temperature frequently so heat can circulate more, making the room warmer overall. 

On the other hand, if your house gets more direct sunlight on one side versus the other, zones can also help prevent these sunny rooms from being too hot. You can lower the temperature in these sunny rooms without cooling down the rest of the house. 

Call Edelman To Install an HVAC Zone Control System In Your Home

If you’re ready to experience a more energy-efficient home and improved air quality control, then it’s time to have an HVAC zone control system installed in your home. The professional team at Edelman is happy to help. Call us today to help us figure out how many zones are ideal for your home and other ways you can save on your heating and cooling bills. 

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How to Choose the Best Whole-House Generator for Winter Outages?

December 23rd, 2021

Power outages caused by snow are a common issue in Illinois. Small gas generators are handy, but they usually can only power a few items at a time. Having a Whole House Generator is great for saving more than the food in your fridge. Generators can power other important appliances like sump pumps, air conditioners, furnaces, and important medical equipment. Generators aren’t just great for keeping your lights on, they can also add value to your home. If you’re considering a whole house generator before intense winter weather hits, then trust the generator experts at Edelman to help you find the best generator for your home. 

Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Whole House Generator 

A whole house generator is like any appliance, it’s a large purchase that should not be considered lightly. Many people think that the size of the generator depends on the size of the house. Not true. Instead, you should consider these other factors instead when comparing generators.

How Many Appliances It Will Be Running

Before purchasing a generator, make a list of all the appliances that need to run when the power goes out. Sump pumps, furnaces, and refrigerators require much more energy than a personal computer or a cell phone charger. Energy is measured in watts, and most manuals will tell you how much energy your appliances consume when running. Not only do you need running energy, but if your appliances have a motor you’ll also need to make sure that your generator will be able to start up your appliances. These appliances need 3 times as much running power to start up. 

Once you’ve made a list of all the necessary appliances you’ll need to keep running during a power outage, figure out how much energy you’ll need to run them all. You’ll want a generator that can power all of these things, plus a little extra to be safe. 

Type Of Fuel

When it comes to fueling your generator, you have a few options to choose from. Most generators are fueled by diesel gasoline, natural gas, or liquid propane. Diesel fuel is the most inexpensive, but it is notorious for being difficult to light in cold weather. Remember that your generator will need to be outside, and going outside to add more fuel to your generator might not be ideal in extreme weather. 

Most people who buy a whole house generator opt to tap into their local gas line and power their generator with natural gas. However, if you do not have a local gas line accessible to you, then this is not an option. 

Liquid propane is another great and reliable option to fuel your generator, especially if a natural gas line is not available to you. Liquid propane is very resistant to low temperatures, and a propane whole-house generator will activate quickly and reliably as long as your propane supplies are stored in an insulated tank.

Whole House Generator Enclosures

Since whole house generators are not portable, they are operated and stored outside. To protect your generator from debris and water, it’s best to make sure they are properly enclosed in an insulated steel or plastic composite housing. Generators, even whole-house generators are very noisy when running. If your generator is installed very close to your house, or you have very close neighbors, consider getting a specialized sound-attenuating enclosure, which will effectively muffle generator noise.

Automatic Transfer

You have two options when it comes to how to turn your generator on. You can flip a switch manually, or have your generator start automatically. The generator experts at Edelman highly recommended opting for the automatic transfers even though it’s more expensive. If you are not home when the power goes out, your generator will automatically kick on. Without it, you may come home to find you have no power and a fridge full of rotten food. 

Contact Edelman to Learn More About Whole House Generators

Need to keep the power on this winter? Our team can help you find the ideal-sized generator for your home. We install dependable Generac whole house generators to keep you and your family comfortable and safe even during the worst snowstorms this year. 

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How Do Radiant Floor Heating Systems Work?

November 30th, 2021

Forced air heating systems like furnaces and heat pumps are well known and widely used in homes across the Champaign, Illinois area. Radiant floor heating systems are an efficient alternative that you may not be aware of, but may want to consider installing when it comes time to replace your old heating unit. Edelman, Inc. explains the ins and outs of this heating solution as well as the benefits these systems offer to homeowners.

What Are Radiant Floor Heating Systems and How Do They Work?

Radiant floor heating systems are a type of heating solution that heat a space using radiant heat transfer. Heat radiates from a warmed surface, reaching people and things in a space which absorb the heat to gain warmth as well as warm up the space. Forced air heating systems like furnaces create heat, which is added to the air then distributed throughout the house.

In homes, electric heating and hydronic water heating are the most commonly used options in radiant floor heating systems, though air-heated systems do exist. Depending on the radiant floor heating system being installed, electric wiring or hot water pipes are installed underneath the floor in a home. In electric systems, the wires connect to the home’s electrical system, and electricity is used to generate heat. In hydronic systems, a water heater or boiler is used to heat water, and a pump circulates heated water through the piping. 

The cables or piping are either installed within the home’s concrete foundation or encased within a layer of material atop the subfloor, known as a wet installation, or installed within the space below the flooring between the floor joints, known as a dry installation. 

Benefits of Installing Radiant Floor Heating in Your Home

Using radiant heating systems presents unique advantages that other types of heating systems do not have. When installing radiant floor heating systems, some of the top benefits you can expect include:

Better Energy Efficiency

Radiant heating systems are more efficient than other options, saving you money on heating costs. An in-floor radiant heating system is more energy efficient than using baseboard heating in the home. It is typically more efficient than using a forced air furnace or heat pump as you don’t have to worry about duct heat losses.

Consistent Comfort Levels

Since radiant flooring heating systems do not heat the air and rely on radiant heat transfer for heating, room temperatures stay more consistent from the floor to the ceiling. Heat in the air isn’t rising as it does with forced air heating, so cold spots are not as common. Plus, these systems warm up quickly to warm up a space right away.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

In homes with forced air heating, battling allergens in the air can be a constant problem, as the furnace or air handler continuously circulates these contaminants throughout the home via the air supply. Radiant heating systems don’t spread allergens throughout the home, therefore those with allergies may prefer this heating option and experience fewer symptoms when radiant floor heating is used in the home.


Hydronic radiant floor heating systems are very versatile and can be used with a number of different energy sources and equipment. Boilers using natural gas, oil, liquid propane, or even wood-burning units can be used as a heat source, or the system can be set up using a water heater that is powered by electricity, natural gas, or even solar energy. The option to use these energy sources can help homeowners save versus electric radiant flooring when electricity prices are high.

There are also numerous flooring options that work with radiant heating. Ceramic tile conducts heat efficiently, plus provides thermal energy storage for warm floors. Vinyl, laminated wood, linoleum, and thin carpeting can also be used over top of radiant floor heating systems.

Installation of Radiant Heating Systems for Your Home

Radiant floor heating systems are an efficient heating option for many homes in the Champaign, IL area. To learn more about this heating option and to receive an estimate for installation in your home, contact Edelman, Inc. today.

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How Come My Heat Pump Runs Constantly in Cold Weather?

November 30th, 2021

During the cold months, many homeowners throughout Champaign, IL and the surrounding areas rely on heat pumps to keep their homes comfortable and warm. Occasionally, though, your heat pump may experience a problem. One of the most common is when a heat pump runs constantly in cold weather. The pros at Edelman, Inc. explain why this happens and what you need to do to fix it.

Why Is My Heat Pump Running Constantly in Cold Weather?

When a heat pump runs constantly in cold weather, there could be a few different issues causing this problem. If your heat pump system runs constantly in cold weather, it may be entirely normal – or, it could indicate there is something wrong with your system. Troubleshooting may be able to solve the issue before calling for professional repairs.

1. It’s Extremely Cold Outside

If your heat pump runs constantly in cold weather where the outdoor air temperature is about 35 degrees or below, you don’t have anything to worry about yet. Heat pumps heat homes by extracting heat energy from the air outside and transferring it to the air inside the home. When it is extremely cold outside, there is less heat in the outdoor air. Your heat pump has to work longer to pull enough heat from the outdoor air to heat your home, and it may run nearly non-stop to do so. 

While there could be other issues making your heat pump system run continuously, the non-stop operation may just be a result of the current outdoor conditions. Once the outdoor air temperature warms up above 35 degrees or so, your heat pump should run less often – if it doesn’t, it’s time to look for other issues. Most homeowners pair a gas furnace with their heat pump so it can take over when temperatures dip below 35 degrees.

2. Heat Pump Is Clogged

For your heat pump to function properly, it needs to receive enough airflow through the system. Air must be able to flow through the outdoor unit so the condenser coil can extract heat, and air must be able to pass through the system’s filter in order for the heat pump to produce enough warm air for your home. When a heat pump is running constantly in cold weather, a clogged air filter or a clogged outdoor unit may be to blame.

  • Clear the area around your outdoor unit – you want to leave at least two feet of open space surrounding your heat pump on all sides. Remove leaves, grass, weeds, and other outdoor debris stuck along the exterior of the unit. After heavy winds or snowfall, clear away snow drifts that have piled up against the heat pump.
  • If your heat pump runs constantly in cold temperatures, one of the easiest things to check is your air filter. Remove the existing filter, and examine it to see if you’re due for a replacement. If the filter is completely covered in matter, replace it with a new filter. Be sure to change the filter on a regular basis, and beware that you may need to change it more frequently during cold weather when your system sees more use.

3. Thermostat Problems

When a heat pump runs constantly in cold weather, thermostat problems could be the cause. If the thermostat is malfunctioning, it may not read when indoor air temperatures reach your desired setting – therefore it won’t instruct your heat pump to shut off. 

  • Replace the thermostat’s batteries as low power can cause miscommunication between the thermostat and the heating system. If the thermostat is hardwired, make sure the circuit breaker to the thermostat has not tripped which could interrupt communication. Reset the breaker if needed. 
  • Make sure all wiring connections in the thermostat are snug. Carefully remove the faceplate and check to see that all wires are tightly secured in their terminals. Tighten connections if necessary.
  • Clean the thermostat using a soft brush or compressed air. Dirt and dust buildup can block sensors, causing the thermostat to misread temperatures.
  • Check the thermostat’s calibration using a standard thermometer. Mount the thermometer near your thermostat and wait 15 minutes, then check the readings on both devices. If the thermostat’s temperature is more than a degree or two different from the reading on the thermometer, its calibration is off. This issue may be fixed through professional repairs or may indicate the thermostat needs to be replaced. 

Contact Edelman for Heat Pump Services in Champaign, IL

If your heat pump runs constantly in cold weather or you experience other heat pump performance problems this winter, don’t dismiss them! If heat pump troubleshooting doesn’t solve the issue, contact Edelman, Inc. today for heat pump repair services in Champaign, IL.

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What Are the Different Types of Water Heaters?

October 27th, 2021

Water heaters are an essential plumbing appliance that deliver hot water for all the home’s needs, from bathing to household chores. What many people aren’t aware of is the different types of water heaters available for use in the home – you’re not limited to just one equipment type. Edelman installs water heaters of all kinds in Illinois homes, and we’re here to tell you more about your options.

Tank Water Heaters

Of all the different types of water heaters, the one that comes to mind for most people is the tank water heater. This type of water heater has been used in homes for decades and is a popular choice still today.

Tank conventional water heaters heat water and store it for when it’s needed. The equipment looks like a large tank, which varies in size based on the unit’s capacity and does require some floor space for installation. The pre-heating and storage method of water heating isn’t as energy efficient as some other options, as the unit is constantly using energy to keep water warmed to a comfortable temperature, no matter if you’ll be using it soon or not. Even so, high efficiency gas and electric equipment options exist to help homeowners cut back on water heating energy use.

Tankless Water Heaters

Over the past decade or so, tankless hot water heaters have emerged on the home plumbing scene, promoted as an energy-efficient alternative to the conventional tank water heater. This unit is quite small comparatively as it needs no tank to store water. Different types of hot water heaters in the tankless style can be installed on the wall to eliminate the need for installation floor space.

Tankless heaters are an on-demand style of water heater. This means that the unit only heats water as it is needed in the home. This method of water heating saves energy as energy is only used at certain times rather than around the clock to maintain stored hot water temperatures. Equipment capacity is measured by flow rate, which tells you how many gallons of hot water the tankless water heater can produce in one minute. Gas and electric models are available, and switching to a tankless model can save homeowners up to 34 percent on water heating costs, depending on household usage.

Hybrid Electric Water Heaters

Hybrid electric water heaters are also growing in popularity. These types of units are also called heat pump water heaters, and they’re one of the different types of water heaters using a storage tank. A heat pump is used to transfer heat to the water, whereas other types use fuel to heat water.

Hybrid electric water heaters are one of the most energy-efficient options. Because a heat pump is used to heat water, these units are electric only and no gas models exist.

Solar Water Heaters

A solar-powered water heater is one of the different types of tank style models available for home use. Instead of using gas or electricity from the home’s utility service to heat water, these units are connected to a solar panel that gathers solar energy to use in water heating.

Different types of water heaters for solar systems include active and passive setups. Active solar water heaters either circulate water directly through the solar collector to be heated or use solar energy and a heat exchanger to add heat to water. Passive systems apply solar energy directly to a water storage tank and pump it into the home through the plumbing system as needed. These different types of water heaters can help homeowners reduce electricity bills by heating water using free solar energy rather than utility power.

Contact Edelman for Water Heater Installation

The different types of water heaters discussed above can be installed in Illinois homes. To find out which water heater is best for your home and situation, contact Edelman today to schedule a consultation.

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