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3 Problems That a Bad Residential Water Supply Line Can Cause

If you own a home, then be aware of all of the components of your home plumbing system and the signs that one of them may not function properly. One important component of your home plumbing system is the pipe network that transfers water from the city’s main waterline to your home. This pipeline is typically referred to as the home’s water supply line or water service line.

Learn about three plumbing problems that a bad home water supply line can cause and how to remedy these problems.

1. Sudden High Water Bill

If you have lived in your home for a long time, then you have likely learned how your family’s habits affect your home water bill. If your home water bill suddenly skyrockets when no one in your family has changed their water usage habits, then that is often a sign that your home’s water supply line may have developed a leak.

Quickly determine if you have a leak in your water supply line. First, record the numbers on your home water meter. Then, shut off your home’s main water supply valve for one full hour. Finally, check to see if the numbers on the meter have changed before reopening the water shutoff valve.

If the numbers do change, then that means you likely have a leak in your home water supply line. Contact a plumber to find the source of the leak and repair or replace the leaky pipe.

2. Low Home Water Pressure 

If water pressure is low throughout your entire home, then this problem may stem from a supply line problem.

You may have a water supply line that is simply too small to meet your family’s water needs, especially if you recently added additional plumbing fixtures during a home renovation project. To fix this problem, have a plumber replace your current water supply line with a larger one.

For example, if your home has a typical 1” supply line about 50 feet in length, it can deliver about 9 gallons of water to your home per minute. However, a 1 1/4” supply line of the same length can deliver 16 gallons of water to your home per minute. This simple upgrade can greatly increase low home water pressure from a too-small supply line.

Low water pressure can also be from a supply pipe of galvanized steel that has developed extensive interior corrosion. As lime scale, rust, and other corrosion build up on the interior surface of this pipe type over time, less water can flow through the pipes, reducing the water pressure of the water going to the home.

To solve this problem, a licensed plumber can check your water supply line for corrosion. They will either remove this corrosion with a pipe descaling treatment or replace the corroded pipes with new pipes with modern, corrosion-resistant materials.

3. Basement Mold or Mildew Growth

Another problem that can be from a problem with a home water supply line is mold or mildew growth in the basement. Most home water supply lines enter a home through a basement wall. If the supply line develops a leak inside of or near the basement wall, the wall can become wet and stay wet as the pipe continues to leak. A moist basement wall becomes a breeding ground for mold and mildew relatively quickly.

If you have new basement mold or mildew growth near the area where your home’s water supply line enters your home, then contact a plumbing professional. They can inspect your water’s supply line to locate a hidden leak that may have caused your problem and repair the waterline.

Every homeowner should understand the components of their home plumbing system and the signs that they may have a problem with one of these components. If you notice the signs of a home water supply line problem, then contact the plumbing experts at Edelman Inc. for diagnosis and repair of this problem today.

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