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What Should First-time Homeowners Know About Their HVAC Systems?

If you’re diving into homeownership for the first time, then you may not be familiar with the ins and outs of maintaining an HVAC system on your own. While modern home heating and cooling systems are reliable, they still require occasional maintenance and repairs. Fortunately, it only takes a little care and knowledge to ensure that your new home’s HVAC system keeps you comfortable for years to come.

HVAC systems are a topic that can fill libraries, but you only need to understand a few essentials when it comes to your own home. These helpful tips for buying a house with an old HVAC system will help get you started on the right foot with your new home so that you can enjoy it without worrying about costly repair bills.

Perform a Post-purchase Inspection and Service

If you relied on a general contractor to perform your home inspection, then you’ll want to schedule an HVAC professional to examine your heating and air conditioning system thoroughly. General home inspectors can recognize highly evident issues, but they typically are not qualified to inspect all aspects of your HVAC system. You can combine this inspection with your annual service to save some cash.

The primary purpose of a post-purchase inspection and service is to bring your system’s maintenance up to date and provide a clean starting point for future service. In addition to checking the state of critical components, your technician will also clean and lubricate serviceable parts of the system, such as your blower motor. This could take care of any minor issues before they grow to become more serious and expensive.

Get to Know Your Thermostats

Your maintenance routine is important, but your thermostat usage also keeps your HVAC system functioning reliably and efficiently. Setting your thermostat too low in the summer or too high in the winter can cause your heater and central air conditioner to run for extended periods. This will wear out components more quickly and rapidly drive up your utility bills.

In most cases, your HVAC system won’t be able to reduce your home’s temperature more than 20 degrees below the outdoor ambient temperature. Keep this in mind to avoid overstressing your system on scorching days. You can turn it up a bit in the winter to stay comfortable, but remember that the EPA recommended temperature for energy savings in the winter is 68 degrees.

Learn Some DIY Maintenance

You’ll want to schedule a visit with a professional technician at least once per year, but there are a few essential maintenance steps you can take in between service calls. The most critical of these steps is to check and replace your air filter regularly. A dirty filter does more than just reduce your air quality; it can also stress your blower motor or compressor, which ultimately leads to failures.

If you have access to your AC system’s user manual (you can also usually find these online), you should also determine how to access your evaporator and condenser coils. Cleaning these coils is a simple maintenance task you can perform yourself, and it won’t cost you more than a can of coil cleaner.

Build a Relationship with a Reputable HVAC Company

Even the best HVAC system eventually needs maintenance and repairs. Keep up with routine maintenance and annual service visits to minimize the potential for severe trouble, but you’ll still want reliable help when something goes wrong. When you stick with one HVAC company, their heating, air conditioning and indoor air quality technicians will learn your system’s unique quirks and more effectively deal with problems as they develop.

No matter the age of your home or the condition of its HVAC system, Edelman Inc. can be your reliable partner. We can help you maintain your system so that it lasts for years and work with you to provide a cost-effective replacement when it finally reaches the end of its life. Get in touch with us today for any of your HVAC servicing needs!

Contact Edelman for HVAC Services

If you’re buying a new home, finding an HVAC company that you can trust with the needs of your home is critical to the effectiveness of your HVAC system. If you’re looking for a heating and cooling company in the Champaign, IL area, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of technicians will listen to you to understand what the issues are and provide you with the best possible solution.

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