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What Are the Advantages of a Ductless Mini Split?

Technology in every industry has been progressing, and that does not stop at HVAC technology. Ductless mini split systems are quickly becoming a popular choice for home heating and cooling.

These stylish, modern, and reliable heating and cooling systems offer a number of benefits that other HVAC solutions simply can’t compete with. In our most recent blog, Edelman Inc. discusses how ductless mini splits work, their benefits, and some popular applications for them.

What Is a Ductless Mini Split HVAC System?

A ductless mini split, also known as an indoor air handling unit, is an HVAC system that can be used to provide cooling as well as heating in certain areas, or throughout an entire home. A ductless mini split consists of an outdoor air conditioner or heat pump unit, which can connect to multiple air handlers that are mounted directly in the spaces they serve.

Mini splits offer amazing versatility in the ways they can be used. These systems can be configured as a single-zone solution, or be expanded to support multiple zones. Air handlers can be mounted on a wall or inset within the ceiling and are controlled individually by using a remote.

Mini Split Versus Traditional HVAC systems

There are some important differences between how a ductless mini split system operates and the conventional central heating and cooling systems most Champaign homeowners are used to.

The ductless mini split utilizes central forced air systems that blow conditioned air into a living space, but each air handler provides the conditioned air for its zone rather than one centralized unit distributing air across the home via a duct system. While a ductless mini split system isn’t a central system, it is possible to use this solution for whole home heating and cooling – which many people associate central furnaces, air conditioners, and heat pumps with providing.

Because these systems don’t use a centralized blower unit and duct system, the climate of each zone can be controlled separately from other areas inside the house. When using a conventional central system, all areas of the home are heated and cooled the same, as the system is controlled by a single thermostat.

Where Can Ductless Systems Be Installed?

The ductless mini split is an extremely versatile HVAC system solution and it can be used in a number of different applications. A single-zone setup can provide comfort in a single area, or multiple air handlers can be installed throughout a home or building to provide heating and cooling across the entire space. Because there is no need for ductwork, the ductless mini split can be installed just about anywhere. With both outdoor and indoor units available, the possibilities are almost endless.

Homeowners commonly install a ductless mini split system in applications such as:

Older homes

Often built without ductwork, older homes commonly don’t have inconspicuous free space to support the installation of an entire duct system.

Newly built home additions

New buildings or a previously unconditioned space that has been converted into a living space, such as an attic, are ideal candidates for a ductless mini split system. If the home has a central HVAC system, it may not have the capacity to provide the additional heating or cooling required to also keep this area comfortable, and upgrading that equipment as well as extending the duct system into the space may not be practical.

Garages and workshops

Any building that is freestanding or isn’t connected to the home’s central HVAC system.

What Benefits Does a Mini Split Offer Over a Conventional Central HVAC System?

  • Duct leakage is a major problem associated with conventional forced air systems. The average home experiences a 20 to 30 percent loss of energy through duct leaks alone! Because a ductless mini split doesn’t rely on ducts for air distribution, these systems can be on average 20 to 30 percent more efficient than the home’s central furnace or air conditioner.
  • Ductless mini split systems are more energy efficient than conventional central heating and cooling systems for other reasons as well. Their zoned heating and cooling functionality greatly improve a home’s energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption on behalf of the HVAC system. Central systems waste energy by heating and cooling all areas the same; a ductless mini split allows for individual temperature control, so energy is only used to create heating or cooling where it is actually needed.
  • Occupants experience better comfort when using a ductless mini split indoor unit HVAC system as each person can adjust temperature settings in their space according to their needs, without impacting the conditions preferred by other household members in other spaces.
  • There’s another benefit that comes with the absence of ductwork – better indoor air quality. Duct leaks don’t just let energy out – they let debris in, allowing matter to enter the air supply and travel to living areas. Ductless mini splits generate cleaner indoor air.

Mini Split HVAC Systems in Champaign, IL

A ductless mini split can go where conventional HVAC units can’t and offer benefits that a regular furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump can’t provide. Call Edelman Inc. today to request an estimate for ductless mini split installation in the Champaign area.

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